
I'm Andre Zenz,
welcome to my website.

At the moment, I am part of the Kath-Schorr research group at the University of Cologne and have recently completed my master's thesis about unnatural nucleobases in oligonucleotides. Now, I am starting work towards my PhD with her group. If you want you can look at kathlab.uni-koeln.de to find out more about our work.

Master's degree
< 12.04.2024 07:00:32 >

I am very happy to be able to announce that on the 15th of March I very successfully held my master's thesis colloquium and was awarded the Master of Science degree. This concludes a long time of study for me and I am very pleased with the result and especially my recent projects. I was also given the opportunity to stay in the research group of Stephanie Kath-Schorr to pursue a consecutive PhD candidate position with her, which I will start with in the beginning of May.

Send me mail:   azenz@me.com   < pgp‑key >

I was born in 1995 on christmas eve in the beautiful city of Cologne in Germany. On a field trip day during my time at school we visited the laboratories at the chemical department of the university here, which eventually inspired me to start studying chemistry in 2014. I really enjoy the combination of theoretical and practical aspects that this field of science encompasses. In 2019, I successfully completed my bachelor's degree, investigating iodine catalysis via halogen-bonding with Prof. Martin Breugst, who is now a Professor at the university of Chemnitz. Thereafter, I continued to study and joined the research group of Prof. Stephanie Kath-Schorr for my masters degree on unnatural nucleobase analogs.
I'm also interested in politics, music and cooking and in the past performed Tae-Kwon-Do and played some piano. Before my path in chemistry started, I wanted to be become a computer programmer, which I guess, resulted now in this website.