
I'm Andre Zenz,
welcome to my website.

At the moment, I am part of the Kath-Schorr research group at the University of Cologne and have recently completed my master's thesis about unnatural nucleobases in oligonucleotides. Now, I am starting work towards my PhD with her group. If you want you can look at kathlab.uni-koeln.de to find out more about our work.

Chemdoodle .eps label update
< 16.09.2024 09:54:52 >

As an update to an earlier post in this blog, the latest release of Chemdoodle contains changes to EPS export:

EPS output now includes an option to preserve chemnum tags in output. Such chemnum tags are defaulted as "TMPx", but you may change what the chemnum tag is to be used. These tags, when written in caption labels, will be preserved as unbroken text in EPS output, even if the Render Text as Shapes option is enabled. This way, you can work with chemnum and still have perfect font glyph output to EPS files for your figures. Bitmap image output is now supported in EPS files.
This eliminates the need for workarounds that fixed the broken labels in exported .eps graphics so far. Nice to see ongoing support for the Chemdoodle software.

Send me mail:   azenz@me.com   < pgp‑key >

I was born in 1995 on christmas eve in the beautiful city of Cologne in Germany. On a field trip day during my time at school we visited the laboratories at the chemical department of the university here, which eventually inspired me to start studying chemistry in 2014. I really enjoy the combination of theoretical and practical aspects that this field of science encompasses. In 2019, I successfully completed my bachelor's degree, investigating iodine catalysis via halogen-bonding with Prof. Martin Breugst, who is now a Professor at the university of Chemnitz. Thereafter, I continued to study and joined the research group of Prof. Stephanie Kath-Schorr for my masters degree on unnatural nucleobase analogs.
I'm also interested in politics, music and cooking and in the past performed Tae-Kwon-Do and played some piano. Before my path in chemistry started, I wanted to be become a computer programmer, which I guess, resulted now in this website.

A close friend of mine studied film making and I was involved in a short film he produced. You can find out more about his work at nwdh.org, have fun.